
drone - gilles paté



Gilles Paté, visual artist, teacher


Synchresis: spontaneous neuropsychological phenomenon consisting in perceiving as a single event the production of an image and a sound played simultaneously. Synchresis brings together, even if they come from very different origins, sounds and images that have often very few links in real life. Michel Chion, Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen



• vidéo click on images to play

1 Feature length documentaries

Balint Porte Voix Porte Voix corps sonore
Matter to compose  Between middles Voiceholders Sound body

2 Short documentaries

Sound System créoleDroneCNIL
sound system créole Drone Electrique facets of internet
Sound System créole
Front de seine

3 Portraits

Addy FuchsCharles PennequinNicolas FrizePhill Niblock
RADIGUE Monument therapie Fleury Avec
Eliane Radigue Monument therapy Cynthia Fleury Avec!
Anne La Bleue Xavier Japiot
Anne the Blue Xavier Japiot

4 Music

brunanteVray remède d'AmourMars
Brunante Le Vray remède d'Amour Women
Lungfish 3 Aidan Baker Earth 1
Earth 2 Luc Larmor Pan sonic Sunn O)))
El HighConvergenceMoondogSLEAZEART
Jérôme PoretToeplitz et BreschandMadrigaux de MoondogSleaze art
Supercolor Palunar Gordon Monahan Hélène Breschand
Fullman Essai Essai Essai
Ellen Fullman Essai - Messe Ernest H Papier Berio Teeth mouth
Fullman Essai Essai Essai
Between sky and Earth Occam ocean Tetralemme Thurston Moore Lee Ranaldo
Fullman Galileo SchtumatSonic ) Occam XXV
Tom Johnson melody machines Galileo Schtum at Sonic Protest Festival Occam XXV
Pandore Helene Breschand Quatuor Bozzini Pantheon
Pandore Helene Breschand Quatuor Bozzini Pantheon

5 Danse

MICOUIN Amas pondEcluse
Thierry Micouin Amas Etale Le grondement de l’écaille
Evapore Amas Amas Structure Souffle
Evaporé Danse architecture Infinity sliding Structure breathe

6 Creative workshops

Mantes Vu d'ici studio son Femme myster
rotative paintings from inside Osny jail Sound Studio Mystery woman
Balint Drone studio Son 2022
Sound Workshop Cru des associations Sound Workshop 2022

7 Sites

Bauhaus Stationpond Ecluse Mapple
Factory nightpond Sluice Mapple flowers
Jetty Snow mer mer
Jetty Snow in Sénart Under the sea Pollens
repos du fakirAtlas Urbain
repos du fakir Atlas urbain

8 Microscope

Micromonde 1 Micromonde 2 Micromonde 3
Microworld 1 Microworld 2 Microworld 3
Predictibles Music for 88
Predictibles Music for 88


• design

rotonde Orientation Rotunda, Saint Denis 1997 2000

siignaletique Urban signals , Athis Mons 2004

lunette Altitude Lunette , City Observatory, Ivry sur seine, 1998


• art

Expo Corps
Exhibition sound body Royan

captures Share space/ Sound furniture Exhibition in Captures, Royan, Mai 2004

peintures Body Attitudes, paintings,shown in "Où" Gallery, Marseille 2002

objetsdeVie Life Objects, Immigrants objects and life testimoniess, Sonacotra Paris 2001-2009

• news

publications Publications ,cv, Contact
